
The Beginning

Here's the deal.

I was tired of my selfish life.
I wanted to get involved with some sort of community outreach.

And that's when I remembered MUST. About four months ago, I had toured this non profit organization on a class field trip. We were there to see the in's and out's of how a non profit organization is conducted. Specifically, I remembered a story that Mary, the woman who gave us the guided tour, told our group. A student had asked what had spurred her to become a regular volunteer and eventually as full-time staff. She then told us the story of Maddie.

MUST has a Summer Lunch Program, where volunteers and staff make hundreds of sack lunches to deliver to children who would normally get a free lunch from school. Since school is out during the summer months, many of those kids don't get a lunch at all. One day when Mary was out delivering sandwiches, she saw a little girl (about 7 or 8 years old) eat half of her sandwich and stow the other half of the sandwich away in her bag. Mary asked the little girl her name.

"Maddie," she said.
"Why didn't you eat your whole sandwich, Maddie?"
"I'm saving the other half for dinner."

As Mary finished retelling the story, she had tears in her eyes. I did, too. That's when I knew I wanted to be involved in this ministry.

Five months later, I applied to Must Ministires.
Now I'm a regular volunteer.

That's how this crazy journey started. I'll share with you some of my experiences and some of the lessons I've learned along the way.

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